“So we also, when we were children, were held in bondage under the rudiments of the world: but when the fulness of the time came, God sent forth his Son, born of a woman, born under the law, that he might redeem them that were under the law, that we might receive the adoption of sons. And because ye are sons, God sent forth the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, crying, Abba, Father. So that thou art no longer a bondservant, but a son; and if a son, then an heir through God.”
I recently encountered an employee of a entry door company called ProVia. He travels around a multi-state region centered in Texas having just moved from a territory in the upper midwest. He marveled at the Kingdom culture he encountered at Southwest Exteriors and talked about how uncommon it was among the hundreds of companies his current and former territory comprised. He also mentioned that ProVia, based in the heart of the Amish country in Ohio, had faith foundations as well.
He spoke about their 35 year history and the fact that they often referred to the "Jabez Prayer" in their business meetings. They have experienced incredible growth as they have advanced their territory from a market perspective, but also from a spiritual one as well. I thought he did a beautiful job managing the tension between marketplace success and Kingdom advancement. That is something that is typically handled in a pretty clumsy manner in my experience. It can be a very precarious journey.
I listened to a podcast last week where they quoted the section of Paul’s letter to the Galatians above. It was part of an Advent series and these verses, that I have likely read dozens of times, hit me in a fresh new way:
A child, born of a woman, redeemed us from the law… so that we may take our places as sons of a king and become heirs to a Kingdom.
It reminded me of the new revelation I found in understanding Jesus' proclaimed mission in Isaiah 61:
He came to heal the captives and set the prisoners free… so that we might be oaks of righteousness, displayers of His splendor, redeemers, renewers, and rebuilders.
Obviously, something far grander than forgiveness and a free pass into eternity is intended. There is a nobility and charge that we are to carry as ambassadors of the most high. How differently would all leaders approach their posts if they saw their companies and families as territories of the Kingdom to cultivate, grow, and advance?
We talked last week in this post about the necessity of a clear point on the horizon; the need for vision for a leader’s life and an organization’s future. We believe so strongly about this that we often strongly encourage the clarifying experience of a LifePlan for a leader before we will work with their organization to help them find their collective Values, Purpose, and Vision.
Add to vision, the imperative of mission that Isaiah and Galatians so clearly speak about, and you have a recipe that should inspire any leader.
How clear are you on the Values, Purpose, and Vision for your own life?
How clear is your organization on their Values, Purpose, and Vision? Do you think any real substantive change is possible without it?
How are you doing at tending and advancing the territory you have been given charge over?